On Site School Bookings
An amazing full day experience of living history at it's best.
Over 20,000 school children are welcomed to Murton Park every year to step back in time and take part in costumed hands-on educational activity days linked to the Key Stage Two history curriculum.
Murton Park is home to a range of recreated historical outdoor classrooms including a Roman Fort, Viking Village, Pre Historic setting and 1940’s Farmhouse Kitchen. Your group will have sole use of the space for the time period covered with dedicated staff in appropriate period costume.
The aim is for children (and often accompanying adults) to be fully immersed in the past through roleplay and taking part in a range of award-winning activity related to the time period being studied.
The visit to Murton Park is one that lives long in the memory and is often cited by children as their best school trip and even favourite experience whilst at primary school!

Our 1st century Roman Fort can accommodate groups of up to 65 children to spend a day learning about life as new recruit to the Roman Army and the wider impact of Roman civilisation on life in Britain under the leadership and watchful gaze of the duty Centurion and his assistant.
The day runs with a mixture of group presentations and hands-on activities.
Alongside the essential military skills of marching and basic drill, the recruits will make their own oil lamp and learn about Roman writing.
They will learn how to find their way around a Roman fort, a little about Roman religion and how soldiers worked together on the battlefield to make the Roman army one of the most feared fighting units in history.
A full day lasts from 10am until 3pm
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Led by two members of our staff, our Home Front days offer an insight into the life of an evacuee in the early days of the second World War for groups of up to 36 children.
The day is a mixture of talks, demonstrations and hands-on activities.
The children will hear from their evacuation co-ordinator about the process of evacuation and what they might have to expect and the ways in which life is going to change.
From the local ARP warden, they will learn about gas mask drill, practice what to do during an air raid and how to deal with incendiary bombs!
A full day lasts from 10am until 3pm
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Our Stone Age village can accommodate groups of up to 36 children to spend a day learning about the lives of our distant ancestors.
After an introductory talk setting the scene and introducing the key concepts of the prehistoric era, the children will spend the day living and working on our prehistoric village.
They will get involved in making early types of clay pottery, find out how crops were grown and to make flour.
They will try their hand at prehistoric art, handle objects and artefacts and learn the essential skills of hunting.
A full day lasts from 10am until 3pm.
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Perfect for smaller school groups (max. 30 pupils. Please do not exceed this; 30 is the maximum) to spend the day learning about life as a Viking settler.
Comprising a number of houses and workshops, our settlement is the perfect setting for our hands-on activity days.
After an initial introduction led by a costumed member of our team, the children will be taken to the settlement and see a Viking Long House.
Working in groups the children will learn about food and pottery in the Viking age. They will take their turns on guard duty, see a Viking Long Boat and hear a Viking story come to life.
A full day lasts from 10am until 3pm.
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Our Saxon Village can accommodate groups of up to 65 children to spend a full day learning about the Anglo-Saxon times under the guidance of our team. Comprising a number of houses, workshops, and fields, our settlement is the perfect setting for our hands-on activity days.
You will be met by one of our costumed members of staff and introduced to the life of a Saxon settler. The children will then head out to the Saxon village to meet the Thane or Thaness. Can they help get the new church set up for the visiting Abbot? Working in groups the children will make candles, practice illumination and writing, and learn about Saxon pastimes. They will have to take their turns on guard duty and learn how to defend the village from Viking invaders.
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Our Viking village can accommodate groups of up to 65 children to spend a full day learning about the life of a Viking settler under the guidance of our team.
Comprising a number of houses, workshops and fields, our settlement is the perfect setting for our hands-on activity days.
After an initial introduction led by a costumed member of our team, the children will be taken to the settlement to meet the rest of the community – and prove to the Lord or Lady of the village that they have the necessary skills to be an asset!
Working in groups the children will learn about farming and food in the Viking age, pottery, and household tasks. They will have to take their turns on guard duty and learn how to defend the village from attack.
A full day lasts from 10am until 3pm.
Book nowAn amazing full day experience of living history at it's best.
Over 20,000 school children are welcomed to Murton Park every year to step back in time and take part in costumed hands-on educational activity days linked to the Key Stage Two history curriculum.
Murton Park is home to a range of recreated historical outdoor classrooms including a Roman Fort, Viking Village, Pre Historic setting and 1940’s Farmhouse Kitchen. Your group will have sole use of the space for the time period covered with dedicated staff in appropriate period costume.
The aim is for children (and often accompanying adults) to be fully immersed in the past through roleplay and taking part in a range of award-winning activity related to the time period being studied.
The visit to Murton Park is one that lives long in the memory and is often cited by children as their best school trip and even favourite experience whilst at primary school!